Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I have horrible posture. I could contend for the Hunchback of the Neighbourhood title, if there were one to be awarded. (Of course I’d have to beat out all the old grannies with osteoporosis first). I realized this the other day as I was hoisting the offspring onto my shoulder for the obligatory spewing of milk and air after a feeding, and there wasn’t much real estate to hoist him onto. Pondering the causes of this, I deduced via the hallway mirror that the lack of surface area was due to an inordinate curvature in my shoulders. It looks quite unattractive, now that I’m actually noticing it. I remember I had very GOOD posture at an indefinite point in the past (“my youth” ) – and I don’t know when it slouched into the current bowed position. As soon as I straightened my shoulder, Samuel immediately nestled into the now-appropriately positioned corner of my neck. Hmm.

It could be my breasts. I’ve always been morbidly aware of having obstreperous nipples, and I’ve ranted before about feeling like I – or rather they – are being stared at (there’s a book on that waiting to be read on my bookshelf – the feeling of being stared at, not the nipples). Now that they're working girls, they've become even more ...opinionated. So it would make sense that I’ve hunched in an effort to hide the girls.

Alternatively, it could be ME just getting worn out by life – I’m sure there’s a profound statement about self-esteem in there somewhere but I’m too lazy to ferret it out.

Suffice it to say I’m turning over a new leaf – or shoulder in this case, to improve my posture. I’m using S. for my inspiration since she has excellent posture – and robust girls which she does not try to hunch over and hide.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Zouzou,

Your weblog was visited at random. This post has been archived at the BlogBiting Archives.

Yours truly,

5:26 p.m.  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hhhmm... I've never noticed that you had poor posture. We (humans) tend to be our own worst judges at times, I think...

Nevertheless, striving for better posture is never a bad thing!

11:17 p.m.  
Blogger Turtle Guy said...

Good words. Cherish your self-esteem.

12:26 p.m.  

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