Sunday, July 16, 2006

Social Overdose

Whew. I’m exhausted. I had a garden picnic party yesterday and with my usual gusto, invited a ton of people – about seventy, according to my last reckoning, and not counting those I forgot to invite (baby brain-spasms). Fifty people said they'd come - Thank God they didn't all show up (horrible to admit but I am relieved). I had around thirty people come through over the space of four hours, and although I was really happy to see everyone, it wasn’t a good opportunity for me to really visit with anyone properly. I realized (yet again) that I do better in smaller groups.

I got a bit worried the night before, I was feeling very hormonal and didn’t want to let Samuel out of my arms. I thought oh great, people will ask to hold him and I’ll shriek “Back away!! Back away from the baby and no one gets hurt!!” Luckily when I woke up Saturday morning I was feeling a bit better and more willing to share.

The weather was beautiful, hot and sunny. Andrea showed up with her fabulous outdoor room thingy which provided a good chunk of shade, and enough people brought lawn chairs that everyone had a place to plant their backsides. Which we did, quite cheerfully.

The original idea was to play games in the park behind my house but no one brought anything to play – and I’m sadly lacking in outdoor play equipment – must remedy that! People seemed quite happy to not exert themselves, given the heat of the afternoon. I had the kiddie pool set up, and a couple of the kids had a token splash in it.

Anyway, we all sat around and had punch and other more potent refreshing beverages, hotdogs and chips and bean salad. My brother fired up the bbq, and Samuel got passed around between bouts of crying – I suspect he doesn’t really like crowds. This is the second time he’s been quite cranky at larger gatherings. Luckily one or another of his aunties tossed him in his stroller and took him for walks – he always calms down or sleeps when he’s being walked. My clan is quite rambunctious, always fun to have around. And they’re mostly amazing too, helping with getting things set up, dished out and cleaned up. I’m truly blessed.

As usual I didn’t think of taking pictures. What’s that about? Sheesh. At one point I did take out the camera but I didn’t get any good shots of people. I think good pictures need to have a story behind them, other than “here’s everyone sitting around watching me take this shot” – I was at a wedding once where a woman walked around with a really good telephoto and got candid shots of people which were amazing. Capturing that natural moment that conveys the feeling of the afternoon is truly an art. Thinking back I’d have liked a picture of little Evan toddling around nude after his dip in the pool. The girls crammed on the couch watching a movie in the basement. Eric showing his slides on the laptop. Abhi playing frisbee with Ishan using a paper plate. Six of us huddled into the tiny patch of shade under the patio umbrella. Shaylen’s new hairdo. Callie putting up the outdoor room. Nitin being chief Chef. So many little moments that would have been good pictures. Sigh.

Why do I try to have large gatherings at all? I don’t really think they’re my style. I always end up exhausted and worried that people didn’t enjoy themselves. I think I have this misbegotten intention of wanting everyone in my world to be with me all at once and it backfires - I only get to see little snippets of people. Oh well, enough ranting already. I need a nap and a snuggle with my baby.


Blogger Turtle Guy said...

Looks like your trip to Costco paid off! Next time, perhaps outdoor play equipment might make the list??

12:16 a.m.  
Blogger Bast said...

Sorry I missed it - I was suffering from PTSD - Post Traumatic Stampede Disorder! Glad it all went well and much fun was had by all.

11:48 p.m.  

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