Sleeping Babies

I will never again underestimate the power of sleep. After six months Samuel is just starting to nap regularly and for longer than 20 minutes at a time. He has one nap in the morning for about an hour, and sometimes another one in the afternoon though it is not at all certain. I can’t predict when a large or short nap will happen. And despite repeated advice to “sleep when your baby sleeps” I still succumb to the lure of laundry, dishes, vacuuming, tidying, reading the paper, writing a blog (hee hee – obviously this one doesn’t win out very often) – all to the detriment of my sleep-o-meter, which is permanently in the red. I can understand how sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Actually, I do get the requisite hours of sleep, it’s just not uninterrupted and in two-hour stints, could be a mean schedule for the CSIS torture gang.
Torturers: tell us your secrets!
Spy: never!
Torturers: okay then, look after this baby night and day for the next three weeks!
Spy: aaaagh! Anything but that!! I’ll talk, I’ll talk!
I should probably stay off the roads on my bad days – it’s like I’m on auto-pilot and I inadvertently start driving to which ever destination gets triggered by the particular road I’m on. I have to remind myself over and over: “don’t go to the coop you’re going to the bank”.
On a sunnier note, my dad is out of the hospital as of yesterday, after five long weeks. After the depression he developed ICU psychosis which apparently hits 1 in 3 patients that have to stay any length of time in the ICU – characterized by anxiety, panic attacks, disorientation. It manifests a lot like dementia but goes away over time, thank God. A woman down the hall was convinced murderers were after her. My dad kept feeling like he couldn’t breathe, didn't know what day it was or what had really happened vs dreams. He’s much better now, but still a little confused. I think being at home will help a lot in getting him grounded back into himself. We’re all thrilled and secretly worried that he’ll run my mom ragged now that he has 24 hour access to her. Oh well. I try to stay out of their little love games. It drives me crazy but it’s kind of cute at the same time.
Beautiful photos.
Glad to hear your Dad is doing better.
I watched my sister experience every bit of the "torture" - 3 times!
It's not really torture, is it. ;)
Happy Mommy times!
Soooo cute. I thought I had left a message on this for you but I guess in my work delerium I didn't. Maybe,I should have gone with Bast to get that 'working to live' thing straightened out. :0) Are you ready for food?
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