Bedecked and bejeweled

Okay, I think I'm ready. For Christmas, that is. The tree is up. The string of lights on the front of the house (which I didn't take down from last year) are a little saggy but half of them still work so I figure that can be checked off the list. The presents are bought. Well okay not quite, but only one left means that's pretty much done. The house is still a disaster but since I'm not entertaining this year, who cares? Oh wait, the gifts aren't wrapped yet. Oh well, I'll get there. All in all I'm feeling pretty good.
I'm even having Bailey's in my coffee. For some reason Bailey's signals Christmas for me. That, and early summer mornings sitting out on the back stoop in the sun. Samuel is crabbing over on the rug. Guess this will be a short post. He's working on getting from sitting to all fours, and I hope, eventually to crawling. So far he seems to want to skip the crawling part.
Whew. He's asleep. Time for my nap too. My latest dilemma is, stockings or no stockings? We didn't grow up with them. They are an added expense, but I've heard they can also be a lot of fun if done properly. Must mull over stockings. Anyone out there have opinions?
Merry Yule, everyone.
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