Samuel is currently crying his guts out in his crib. He got used to falling asleep in my arms while we were in Hawaii recently on vacation where we were cribless. Which by the way was a fabulous time. We went with another SMC mom (Single Mother by Choice) and her 2.5 year old boy, and shared a condo on Hawaii. It was hot, it was sunny and it was warm water. What more can I say? Samuel loved it and began to turn a very decent shade of brown even slathered with sunscreen. What do the Aussies say - slop slap and slip? (sunscreen, hat and tshirt I think). That boy has good genetics for tanning. grin.
Anyway, he is not happy sleeping in his crib anymore. And he has a cold which makes him cranky and sad. So I try to get him asleep in his crib and then take him into bed with me when I'm ready to go. So far, he's not too keen on the idea. Ah. I think he's off. That was only one re-settling and two crying sessions today - about 1/2 hour. a couple of nights ago it was three and three followed by me going to bed at 9:30 with him because I was exhausted!
As for why he can't sleep in my bed without me, he's too mobile now. He's crawling like a little monkey and launches himself blithely off any surface, assuming I'll catch him or it won't hurt or just not getting the interaction of gravity, hard surfaces and his noggin.
He walked when we got home on Jan 30 - one day before 10 months old. He isn't too excited about walking without help though - he hesitates and then goes down on all fours. With a little coaxing he will let go for a few steps but that's it. Oh well, it's all down hill from here. One day they're crawling and the next they want to borrow the car.
Bitten by the travel bug, and so young! Keep up the adventures - I was sooo thankful that my parents toured us around instead of parking us in the back yard for our childhood. Travel is a wonderful and necessary learning experience!
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