Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 5: Random thoughts

BMI: 23.4

I saw the Dr. this morning, he says he thinks the nausea yesterday was due to my body getting rid of toxins in general, and then I had more than one cup of coffee which put me over the edge (I only ever have one cup in the morning).

In any case it's all gone now, no more queasiness. Apparently other women have experienced this although it's rare. Also another tidbit: men lose weight faster than women when they're on this diet! Something to do with greater muscle mass requiring more calories.

Food is tasting...tastier. Somehow when I'm only eating one breadstick or Melba toast, it tastes REALLY good. I try to make it last as long as possible. And last nights' spinach, onions and garlic with grilled halibut was divine. Actually the meal sizes are fine for me, the in between snakks are what kills me. I am accustomed to eating significantly five or six times a day. No wonder I'm feeling the pain of reducing those.

It's all good! Oh, except for the blinding headache I got last night - sugar withdrawal, I don't doubt. It's gone now.


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