Monday, March 21, 2011

...and she's off! Day 1

Woo hoo! I just stuck myself with a needle. Right in my thigh. AND I watched the whole thing. (insert french accent) Incroyable! Actually it was pretty much a non-event - thanks Judy for regularly sticking me full of pins, I barely blinked when I saw this syringe - it's about the size of an acupuncture needle. I was hoping it would be sub-cutaneous so I could slide it under the skin but no, it's intra-muscular. So it goes about 1/2 inch straight into my leg. Still, it felt rather anti-climactic. I didn't even get queasy or see spots like I usually do before I pass out.

SO, counting today as Day 1, my hormone levels will stage up until Wednesday when I can officially start the Low Calorie phase. Until then, I eat like a maniac! Really. It's part of the diet.

For 2 days I eat as much fatty food as humanly possible. Then, when the hormone levels are ramped up, I stop eating my usual amount of food, which sends the signal to metabolize my fat. The body starts with the fat I've stockpiled for the first 2 days, and then moves onto my "long term deposits" stashed in embarrassing places around my body. At any given time, I have 2000-4000 calories of my own fat circulating in my blood stream. So, typically people feel totally full of energy, are in glowing health, and are not hungry - no need to eat when I'll be awash in my own blubber. So to speak.

According to the Tech, a difficult hurdle might be getting over my sugar addiction - that may take up to 4 days I think she said.

I've started with a Timmie's English Toffee and a chocolate donut. Oops. Did she say something about sugar? I already feel stuffed silly. And I'll be going out for dinner too. WITH dessert. I think I'll have eggs and bacon for breakfast. La la la.


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