Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Party Slug Strikes Again

I had a rather quiet New Year's Eve this year - albeit not intentionally. I went to a fondue party which could have been a great time had I been in the right mood - as in, social, not hibernatory. I went early, given my predilection for snoozing off in the middle of sentences after about 10:00 or so, reprise the doormouse in Alice. I had great hopes of pacing myself so I could stay awake till midnight.

The fondue food was great, so I stuffed myself silly for an hour or so and then thought I'd better stop before I had violent rejections from the stomach department. Not that it helped. There's not a lot of room in my stomach anymore so I was feeling pretty miserable but not yet throwy-uppy.

The music was really good, the host had put together an energetic, fun party playlist, but it was too loud for my ears and Baby started jumping around like a jellybean with the rock beat. He was not happy.

Most of the guests were standing in the kitchen, and standing is not my forte these days - after about 1/2 an hour I feel like my torso will fall off my legs. Oddly, I haven't heard any other pregnant women complaining about this. Is it only me that's so wimpy? My hip joints started hurting quite a bit so I went to the living room to sit down, but unfortunately the stereo was blasting in there. After about an hour of relative misery, my two brain cells finally connected and I realized I had to leave.

I went home, snuggled in bed (upright, to minimize the heaving stomach) and fell asleep! I think I'm going to have a Winter Blues party later this/next month just to keep up my spirits. Maybe once the furniture arrives and the basement is done...


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Oh dear.... so sorry to hear about the party woes!

I don't know about the torso falling off the legs thing... but a colleague of mine (due in a few weeks) cracked a rib over the holidays. She sneezed and the force of the sneeze on her already cramped innards forced a rib out. Ouch. She's an athlete and so, not particularly fragile... said it had never happened before. Oy!

As for the party, let's not wait until the time is perfect... It'll never be perfect. Make a list. Invite people. We'll bring the food to your place... and clean up afterwards... putting you to bed and partying as you snore, if we need to... !

12:10 p.m.  
Blogger wthenrest said...

I can totally relate to the legs falling off thing. Standing in one spot is never good. I too was in a hybernatory mood (I am not sure that is a word but it sounds good. I didn't even make it to a New Year's party, although, I had offers. Too much work to get dressed. So, good on ya for getting out there!
I do however, love parties :0) no! hint? no! what? me? never!...

11:17 p.m.  

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