Day 12: Movement...or lack thereof
BMI: 22.6 (no movement there either!)
Those with delicate sensibilities may want to skip reading this post because it deals with a universal human experience that we only talk about when we're very young or really old: bowel movements. It seems to be one of those topics that somehow becomes taboo around the age of ...well, really when DO people stop talking about it? I don't recall ever hearing a teenager saying "wow I just had the greatest poo!" so it must be earlier than that.
It fades out of our conversational repertoire, only alluded to in advertising for "regularity". Really only moms talk about poo. They discuss in extensive detail their baby's latest achievement in that arena: "...and do you know Tommy pooed THREE TIMES yesterday!" Moms have special dispensation to talk about poo. Everyone else must suffer or rejoice silently through their adventures with their intestinal vagaries. Bunged up Barry or Diarrhea Diane, no mention of BMs must arise in human interaction. I once had a date run out on me early from a supper because he had to poo and didn't want to go in a public bathroom. He left me sitting there, half way through dinner AND WENT HOME TO POO. I think that was our last date.
People will freely discuss having to pee - somehow that's not quite as unconscionable as good ol' poo. We only really pay attention to our nether regions when they stop behaving. We go through our entire lives not talking about it, except for embarrassed interactions with pharmacists - "um... do you have anything for... you know... digestion?"
THEN we hit old age. Old people will discuss their BMs until you wonder whether they actually do anything OTHER than poo. So when does it magically become okay to start talking about them - 50? 60? 70? 80? I haven't quite figured it out.
I personally am mildly militant about having regular BMs, and that brings me to today's topic: HGC and bowel movements. Or per the moniker of this post, the lack of BMs. Granted, considering I'm eating two little pieces of flesh and several cups of vegetables each day, you may think there isn't much to talk about, volume-wise. I contest, however that size DOESN'T matter in this instance (that's a whole other rant). All intestinal by-product should be promptly expelled. Well maybe not literally PROMPTLY but at least every day.
Currently I'm running at FOUR days with no action. FOUR!!! Unheard of. (Mind you I DID hear of a guy who didn't have BMs for weeks on end according to his wife. Ewww. Imagine carrying all that poo around INSIDE YOUR GUT. Gross. His weight probably dropped by 10 lbs every time he finally managed to poo).
So, back to me: I'm now taking some kind of fibre supplement to wake up my intestines. It's calorie-free and essentially invisible - Inulin, they call it. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my regimen. I'll keep you posted!
Those with delicate sensibilities may want to skip reading this post because it deals with a universal human experience that we only talk about when we're very young or really old: bowel movements. It seems to be one of those topics that somehow becomes taboo around the age of ...well, really when DO people stop talking about it? I don't recall ever hearing a teenager saying "wow I just had the greatest poo!" so it must be earlier than that.
It fades out of our conversational repertoire, only alluded to in advertising for "regularity". Really only moms talk about poo. They discuss in extensive detail their baby's latest achievement in that arena: "...and do you know Tommy pooed THREE TIMES yesterday!" Moms have special dispensation to talk about poo. Everyone else must suffer or rejoice silently through their adventures with their intestinal vagaries. Bunged up Barry or Diarrhea Diane, no mention of BMs must arise in human interaction. I once had a date run out on me early from a supper because he had to poo and didn't want to go in a public bathroom. He left me sitting there, half way through dinner AND WENT HOME TO POO. I think that was our last date.
People will freely discuss having to pee - somehow that's not quite as unconscionable as good ol' poo. We only really pay attention to our nether regions when they stop behaving. We go through our entire lives not talking about it, except for embarrassed interactions with pharmacists - "um... do you have anything for... you know... digestion?"
THEN we hit old age. Old people will discuss their BMs until you wonder whether they actually do anything OTHER than poo. So when does it magically become okay to start talking about them - 50? 60? 70? 80? I haven't quite figured it out.
I personally am mildly militant about having regular BMs, and that brings me to today's topic: HGC and bowel movements. Or per the moniker of this post, the lack of BMs. Granted, considering I'm eating two little pieces of flesh and several cups of vegetables each day, you may think there isn't much to talk about, volume-wise. I contest, however that size DOESN'T matter in this instance (that's a whole other rant). All intestinal by-product should be promptly expelled. Well maybe not literally PROMPTLY but at least every day.
Currently I'm running at FOUR days with no action. FOUR!!! Unheard of. (Mind you I DID hear of a guy who didn't have BMs for weeks on end according to his wife. Ewww. Imagine carrying all that poo around INSIDE YOUR GUT. Gross. His weight probably dropped by 10 lbs every time he finally managed to poo).
So, back to me: I'm now taking some kind of fibre supplement to wake up my intestines. It's calorie-free and essentially invisible - Inulin, they call it. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my regimen. I'll keep you posted!
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